Lesson 15-20

Today we will be learning about Portland cement, Electromagnets, passenger rail and matches. Lets learn about it!

Portland Cement (Lesson 16)

Joseph Aspdin was born in England in 1778. He began experimenting with cement formulas. He built a factory to produce it in 1825. Portland cement is the most commonly used in world. Cement binds different ingredients together. It is good for foundations and walls. It can be reinforced for for strength.

Electromagnet (Lesson 17)

Hans Christian Ørsted was born in Denmark in 1777. He became a professor in 1806. He became noticed something peculiar in 1820 lecture. William Sturgeon was born in 1783. He invented the electromagnet in 1824. Electromagnets are artificial magnets. Joseph Henry improved Sturgeon magnet in 1830.

Passenger Rail (Lesson 17)

George Sturgeon was born in Britain in 1781. He became an expert in steam engines. Sturgeon he built his first locomotive in 1814. The first car ran in 1825. Passenger cars are pulled by locomotives. They come in a variety of types. Passenger trains serve different needs. Sturgeon continued developing the industry. He built a railway in 1830. The railway became a successful investment.

Matches (Lesson 19)

John Walker was born in 1787. Walker became a pharmacist. He understood the weaknesses of chemical matches. Matches start fires quickly. The match head contains chemical igniters. Safety matches are the most common used. Matches produce fire “on demand”. Others improved the match after Walker. Joshua Pusey invent the matchbook in 1890.






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