`Lessons 40-45

Hello, today we are go to steel plow, steam shovel, postage stamp and vulcanized rubber. Lets do it!

Steel Plow (Lesson 41)

John Deere was born in Vermont in 1804. He became a town blacksmith in 1825. He invented the steel plow in 1837. Deere tested his plow at his neighbor’s farm. He built a factory near rivers and a rail road.

Steam Shovel (Lesson 42)

William Smith Otis was born in Pelham in 1813. He invented steam shovel at age 22 in 1835. The steam engine is engine is controlled by operators. The holes could be dug deeper and faster.

Postage Stamp (Lesson 43)

Rowland Hill was born in England in 1795. He invented the postage stamp in 1838. The postage stamp shows that the letter has been paid. Postage is based on weight, not distance. Postage reforms approved in 1839.

Vulcanized Rubber (Lesson 44)

Charles Goodyear was born in Connecticut in 1800. He invented vulcanized rubber in 1839. The vulcanized rubber was very durable, not brittle. Goodyear founded a factory to produce rubber products. Goodyear died in 1860.






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