Lessons 45-50

Hi, lets learn about the electric clock, blueprints, Stapler and grain elevator. Sounds like fun to learn about!

Electric Clock (Lesson 46)

Alexander Bain was born in Scotland in 1811. He invented the electric clock in 1840. Synchronous clocks use 60-Hz power frequency. Bain almost swindled out of his invention. Inventors after 1840 began developing different kinds of electric clocks.

Blueprints (Lesson 47)

John Herschel was born in England in 1792. He invented the blueprint process in 1842. Blueprints are drawings. It made it fast and easy to copies of drawings. It was difficult to make changes to blueprints.

Stapler (Lesson 48)

Samuel Slocum was born in Rhode Island in 1792. He invented the first staple in 1841. Staplers bind multiple sheets of paper together. Staple’s are used in numerous environments. It can also be used in construction. George McGill spent 20 years improving versions of the stapler.

Grain Elevator (Lesson 49)

Joseph Dart was born in Connecticut in 1799. He was a partner with Robert Dunbar. The two built the first grain elevator in 1842. Grain elevator lift grain up and into a tube. Dart was steamed powered.






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