Lessons 50-55

Hello y’all, today we are going to learn about ether, fax machine, iron steam passenger ship and ice cream maker. That sounds very mysterious, so lets get into it!

Ether (Lessons 51)

Crawford Long was born in Georgia in 1851. He used ether as an anesthetic in 1842. People breathed vapors from rags. Side effects made people sick. Multiple duims over the invention of anesthesia.

Fax Machine (Lesson 52)

Alexander Bain was born in Scotland in 1811. He invented the fax machine in 1848. He moved to London in 1848. Fax machines scan and reproduce documents. It transmits a page every 5 seconds over telephone lines. It reproduces documents of text or image in seconds. Bain continued to improve his fax machine.

Iron Steam Passenger Ships (Lesson 53)

Isambard Brunel was born ini England in 1806. Isambard built bridges and the Great Western Railroad. He invented iron steamship in 1843. It carries lots of passengers at a time cheaply. Large steamed ships transport people and food long distances.

Ice Cream Maker (Lesson 54)

Nancy Johnson was born in New York in 1795. She invented the ice cream maker in 1843. Nancy sold different flavors of ice cream. Other inventors made there own flavors. Ice cream stores appeared in 1790.






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