Lessons 55-60

Hola, today we are going to go over the rotary printing press, kerosene, antiseptic and the gas mask. Sounds interesting!

Rotary Printing Press (Lesson 56)

Richard Hoe was born in New York in 1812. He invented the rotary press in 1843. Rotary press uses rotating drums. This allows a “never ending” steam of paper to be printed.

Kerosene (Lesson 57)

Abraham Gesner was born in Canada in 1797. He invented kerosene in 1846. Kerosene is a fuel. It is thin. clear and stable It was used for heaters, lamps, jet fuel and way, way more.

Antiseptic (Lesson 58)

Ignaz Semmelweis was born in Budapest in 1818. He worked for the Vienna General Hospital. He invented antiseptic use in 1847. Antiseptic kills germs. He wrote to doctors across Europe.

Gas Mask (Lesson 59)

There is no inventor for this lesson. A Prussian inventor created a mask for for mining in 1799. Lewis P. Haslett invented the prototype of modern version in 1847. Gas masks protect lungs from polluted air. A Canadian doctor invented a gas mask for the troops.





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