Lessons 85-90

 Hi, today we are going to go over the postcard, gatling gun, linoleum and the ratcheting gun. Sounds like an adventure!

Postcard (Lesson 81)

A postcard concept appeared in 1861 in US. John P. Charlton panted the idea, he had help from Hymen Lipman, inventor of the pencil. The postcard was invented in 1869.

The postcard is simple and useful. It is a rectangular card. You can send a cheap messages from any where.

Lipman’s creativity help sell the postcard. It spread to England in 1870. The Eiffel Tower tower was popular postcard picture.

Gatling Gun (Lesson 82)

Richard Gatling, Born in North Carolina in 1818. He was a store owner of tools, farm supplies and machinery. He was also a doctor and inventor of the seed planter. In 1844, Gatling moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where he continued to develop farming implements and machinery for growing rice and wheat. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, Gatling was living in Indianapolis, Indiana. He wanted to save lives by reducing soldiers needed on the battlefield. He invented the gatling gun in 1862.

 The gatling gun has been in World War l, World War ll and even the Vietnam War! The Gatling gun had six metal barrels arranged in a circle and mounted on a wheeled cart. The gatling gun is a rapid-fire and multi- barrel gun. It also has a hand crack rotated barrels to keep them cool. Modern gatling guns fire 400 rounds per minute. Gatling continued to make improvements to the gun’s design, but even the earliest version was able to fire some 200 rounds per minute.

Linoleum (Lesson 83)

Frederick Walton, born in England in 1834. Noticed that linseed oil dried into “rubblier” consistency. Walton experimented with drying the linseed oil faster than normal. He patented linoleum in 1863.

Linoleum is a durable floor covering. It can be imprinted with decorative designs. He made it out of linseed oil combined with saw dust and cork.

Walton had trouble generating sales initially. He had to develop marketing to overcome his competition. Cheap imitators appeared by 1871. Walton expanded his market internationally.

Ratcheting Wrench (Lesson 84)

 The socket was not brand new in 1800s. Ancient culture used sockets to fasten tools together. The first wrench patented in 1835. J.J Richardson patented ratcheting wrench in 1863.

 The ratchet only allows motion in one direction. Socket head plug into cylinders. Allows very quick tightening. It is easier to get into small spaces. It can quickly swap sizes.





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