Lessons 105-110

Hey! Are you ready to learn about the clothes hanger, Rotary can opener, and mail order catalog. Try saying that ten times fast!

Clothes Hanger 👚 (Lesson 106)

Thomas Jefferson, may have invented a precursor. O.A North Invented the clothes hanger in 1969.

Function & benefits

Clothes hanger store our clothes. Their shape helps keep them from wrinkling our clothes. Various kinds of hungers. Extra features for folding pants and dresses. Albert parker invented a wire hanger in 1903. Joy Mangane Invented an improved hanger in 1999.

Rotary Can Opener 🥫(Lesson 107)

William Lyman, born in Connecticut in 1821. Apprenticed to pewter making company. Developed metalworking skills. He invented serval producers on the side. He invented the rotary can opener in 1870.

Function & Benefits

Can openers simply open tin cans. Uses gear wheels, handle winy nut to grip can. Lyman’s version punctured the center of the top.

Mail Order Catalog 🧾(Lesson 108)

Aaron Montgomery, born in New Jersey in 1844. He became a shoe salesman, a good one. He moved to Chicago at 21 and learned of rural camplaints. HE invented mail-order catolag in 1872.

Function and Benefits

Allows people to shop from home. Publication that contains listing of mechanding products cheaper in catologs then in general stores. Placed oders over in the mail. Catalog conpanies rented mailing lists.






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