Lessons 115-160

Ciao! (Chow) (That means hello in Italian) Anyways we are going to look at the light bulb, thermostat, light switch, the sky scarper and many, many, more! Sounds like smart people!

Light Bulb 💡 (Lesson 116)

Thomas Edison was born in Ohio in 1847. Edison was an American, inventor, scientist and businessman. (That sounds like a lot of jobs). He made 1,093 inventions, including the light bulb! Wow that sounds like a lot of inventions! He invented the light bulb in 1880.

Functions & Benefits

A light bulb is an important necessity in all homes as it provides light inside home during the night. It lights up dark places, cheaply.

Thermostat 🌡️ (Lesson 117)

Warren Johnson, born in Vermont in 1847. He became a science professor when he was 34. He invented the thermostat in 1883.

Function and Benefits

Thermostats regulate temperature. It is used with air conditioning systems. Two metals expand at different rates.

Light Switch (Lesson 118)

John Henry Holmes, born in England in 1854. Joseph Swan developed early light bulb company. Holmes attended Swan’s demonstration. Holmes invented the light switch in 1884.

Function and Benefits

Light switches make it easy to control circuits. They would instantly turn off or on. They safe prevents arcing and fire hazards. Switches can control larger relays or switches for more high-powered circuits.

Sky Scraper 🌇 (Lesson 119)

William Jenney, born in 1832 in Massachusetts. He fought in the Civil War. He got married in 1867.He invented the sky scraper in 1884 after discussion with his wife.

Function & Benefits

A sky scraper us over 328 feet. The tallest skyscraper is Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Coca-Cola 🥤 (Lesson 121)

John Pemberton, born in Georgia in 1831. He fought in the Civil War. HE experimented with coca wines. He invented Coca-Cola in 1886.

Function & Benefits
Coca-Cola is a sweet, carbonated drink. It contains caffeine from cold nuts. It originally rogained cocaine.

Induction Motor

(Lesson 122)

Nikola Tesla was born in Austrian Empire in 1856. He wanted to become an engineer. He went to work with Edison’s company. He invented the induction motor in 1888.

Function and Benefits

Converts electric energy into methanal energy. Rotating magnetic fields make motor turn. AC power products the fields.

Ballpoint Pen 🖊️ (Lesson 123)

John J. Loud, born in Massachusetts in 1844. A trained lawyer, but went into banking for his father. He invented the ballpoint pen in 1888.

Function and Benefits

Small metal ball used as tip of the pen. There are two inks in the pen: Water and based.

Zipper (Lesson 124)

Whitcomb Judson, born in Chicago in 1846. He got tired of buttoning his shoes. He invented the zipper in 1890.

Function & Benefits

Zippers fasten two strips of fabric together. Little teeth are locked together with a y-channel slider. Y-channel is the fabric that holds the zipper. Quick and easy to seal up openings in clothes.

Diesel Engine (Lesson 126)

Rudolph Diesel, born in France in 1858. He went to Engineering School when he was 14. He invented diesel based on carnet cycle in 1893.

Function and Benefits

Diesel engines doesn’t need a spark. It uses hot, compressed air.

Mouse Trap 🪤(Lesson 127)

Several mousetraps built in the 1800s. James Keep patented a trap in 1879. “Little Nipper” patented in 1898 in Brittan. Willian C. Hooker invented the modern mouse trap in 1894.

Function and Benefits

Mousetraps kill mice. Spring-loaded bar swings down and breaks the mouses neck.

Semi-Automatic Shotgun (Lesson 128)🔫

John Browning, born in Utah in 1855. He built his first rifle in 1855. Browning developed the lever-action rifles and pump action shotguns. He invented the semi-automictic shotgun in 1843.

Function and Benefits

The semi-automictic Loads the next shell after firing. There was several methods for doing so. Easier and quicker to fire shotgun rounds.

Safety Razor (Lesson 129)

King Comp Gillette, born in Wisconsin in 1855. He worked in great Chicago fire. HE worked as a salesman. He invented the safety razor in 1901.

The Model T 🚗(Lesson 131)

Henry Ford, in Michigan in 1863. He learned to maintain portable steam engine. He built his quadricycle in 1896. Ford’s race car in 1902 ported his brand. Ford invented the motel T in 1908.

Function and Benefits

The model T was the first affordable car.

Penicillin (Lesson 132)

Alexander Fleming, born in Scotland inn 1881. He saw hundreds of wounded soldiers die during WW1 (World War 1). He studied bacteria for next 14 🤯 years. He invented penicillin in 1921.

Function & Benefits

Penicillin can be swallowed or injected. It is a fungus that kills bacteria. It interferes with bacteria’s reproduction process.

Polio Vaccine 💉(Lesson 133)

Jonas Salk, born in New York City in 1914. He became a medical researcher. He learned about viruses under other doctors. Salk created the polio vaccine in 1955.

Function and Benefits

Polio Vaccine prevents you from getting polio. Oral from cheaper. It saves people from needless clipping.

Election Microscope 🔬(Lesson 134)

Ernst Ruska was born in 1906 in German Empire. He had 7 children. Ernst Ruska invented the electron microscope to overcome the limitations of traditional light microscope. He invented the election microscope in 1931.

Function and Benefits

An electron microscope is a powerful tool that uses a beam of electrons to produce high-resolution images of a specimen’s microscopic structure.

George Washing Carver (Lesson 141)

George Washington Carver was an American agricultural scientist, botanist, and inventor who made significant contributions to the development of new products from peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans. He was born in Missouri in 1864.

Function and Benefits

Carver was a renowned agricultural chemist who used his knowledge of chemistry to develop new products from agricultural crops. He was particularly interested in finding alternative uses for crops that were not as widely used, such as peanuts and sweet potatoes.

Yagi Uda Antenna 📡 (Lesson 142)

Hidetaka Yagi researched radio waves. Shotaro Uda studied under Yagi. He invented the Yagi Uda Antenna in 1926.

Nuclear Fission (Lesson 143)

Rutherford split atoms in 1932. Leo Szilard born in Hungary in 1898. He read Rutherford’s doubts on atomic fission in 1933. The first atomic bomb demonstrated in 1945.

Function & Benefits

Some elements are naturally radioactive. Radioactive decay results in element transmutation. Man made nuclear reactions are more controlled.






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