Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Lessons 50-55

    Hello y’all, today we are going to learn about ether, fax machine, iron steam passenger ship and ice cream maker. That sounds very mysterious, so lets get into it! Ether (Lessons 51) Crawford Long was born in Georgia in 1851. He used ether as an anesthetic in 1842. People breathed vapors from rags. Side effects…

  • Lessons 45-50

    Hi, lets learn about the electric clock, blueprints, Stapler and grain elevator. Sounds like fun to learn about! Electric Clock (Lesson 46) Alexander Bain was born in Scotland in 1811. He invented the electric clock in 1840. Synchronous clocks use 60-Hz power frequency. Bain almost swindled out of his invention. Inventors after 1840 began developing…

  • `Lessons 40-45

    Hello, today we are go to steel plow, steam shovel, postage stamp and vulcanized rubber. Lets do it! Steel Plow (Lesson 41) John Deere was born in Vermont in 1804. He became a town blacksmith in 1825. He invented the steel plow in 1837. Deere tested his plow at his neighbor’s farm. He built a…

  • Lessons 35-40

    Hello, today we are going to be looking at electromechanical relay, the revolver, Morse code and circuit breaker. Electromechanical relay (lesson 36) Joseph Henry was born in New York in 1797. He became interested in science at 16. He became a science professor in 1826 at age 29. He built the relay in 1835. Relays…

  • Lessons 30-35

    Today we will be learning about the combine harvester, solar compass, propeller, and mechanical computer. That looks like fun so lets learn about them. Combine Harvester (Lesson 31) Hiram Moore was born in New Hampshire in 1801. Moore developed the combine harvester in 1834. Moore’s harvester was pulled by 18 horses! The grain was bagged…

  • Lessons 25-30

    Today we will be looking at the platform scale, railroad t-rail, multi-coil magnet and mechanical reaper. Platform Scale (Lesson 26) Thaddeus Fairbanks was born in Massachusetts in 1796. He built an iron foundry in 1823. His brother, Erastus came to work for him. Thaddeus solved the problem of the large counter weight. He invented the…

  • Lessons 20-25

    Today we are going to be talking about the microphone, type writer, Braille reading system and sewing machine. Lets learn about them! Microphone (Lesson 21) Charles WheatStone was born in England in 1802. He become interested in Volta’s book. He built his own battery for experimentation. When he was 19 he learned that sound is…

  • Lesson 15-20

    Today we will be learning about Portland cement, Electromagnets, passenger rail and matches. Lets learn about it! Portland Cement (Lesson 16) Joseph Aspdin was born in England in 1778. He began experimenting with cement formulas. He built a factory to produce it in 1825. Portland cement is the most commonly used in world. Cement binds…

  • Lesson 11-15

    Hello! Today we are going to be learning about the pencil, stethoscope, tunneling shield and paved roads. Let get into it! Pencil (Lesson 11) Earliest forms of writing were on clay tablets. Greeks and Romans used wax tablets. England was the first to make pencil. pencils make durable markings. They are cheap to make and…

  • Lesson 6-10

    Today we are going to review lessons 6-10, so we are learning about the vapor-compression theory, Oliver Evans, percussion ignition and canning process. Vapor-Compression Theory (Lesson 6) William Cullen experimented with refrigeration in 1755. Ben Franklin investigated vapor cooling in 1758. American inventor Oliver Evans made a break though. He described vapor-compression refrigeration theory in…

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